Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How Do You Approach Your Workout?

This is part of a list that I recently sent out to my athletes. I was addressing my adult swimmers on my masters swim team who I coach. I guess it can apply to walking through the door of a workout at the gym, any athletic practice or even work too...

1 When you walk through the pool doors, I hope you say the words “thank you” to yourself. I hope that you are grateful that you have the ability to exercise and further that you have a place to share the experience with fellow swimmers.
2 Words spoken at practice must be of a positive nature about yourself, your teammates and towards the swimming or exercise tasks that you are presented with. Greet and pursue these challenges with a willing attitude and have some fun with it. (We do well at this in my opinion...)

You've heard it before, probably, but how many of us actually practice and exercise a good attitude day in and day out? Exercising attitude, a good positive one is just like exercise, if you don't do it regularly, deliberately and thoughtfully you my not be giving it your best shot!

Coach Dave

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day Notes...

I hope that all of you enjoyed a long weekend. I certainly did.

While enjoying a trail run through the woods near my house yesterday,
I got to thinking....

I took time to absorb the reason for why I (and many others) had this
particular day off.

It's a single day where can to take time, be it a minute or the whole
day (although I certainly don't believe that we need to limit it to
that one single day)
to think about and hopefully honor those people who have given their
lives so that we can do whatever we chose to do yesterday.

Hopefully you got to spend time with family, loved ones and friends.
You got to listen to music, eat good food, talk about anything you
chose to discuss or just sat and watched children play.
Even if you ended up working, I hope that somewhere you still
realized that to do whatever you did, that it was a pretty good deal.
We know life from a particularly priveliged perspective. (That's my
opinion anyway - as is this whole note.)

That fact that we have the freedom to relax, rest, work or whatever
was on our schedule is really something to be thankful for. In our
country, we have so many choices and we have
so much leeway to do whatever we want is truly amazing. It is so
amazing that it is easily overlooked. But not overlooking the
obvious, is a great exercise. It requires one to step back, take a
analyze the situation and then realize the given fact.

In the US we have a system and people who devote themselves to
securing our existence in the world. That system and those people
who enable us to dream up and then actually pursue those
opportunities deserve
honor and recognition.

What I think is also important is that for every memorial, with its
list of countless names of those who sacrificed their lives, there
are the family, loved ones, friends and neighbors who miss
their soldier on that day and every day. These folks all push on
through live having to replace the physical presence and interaction
only with memories.

I believe that we owe it to our fallen soldiers to remember them and
enjoy the day and realize how good we have it.

Be well all and always be thankful for what you have!

Coach Dave

Friday, May 13, 2011

SKILLS Training...

I recently attended a really great strength and conditioning program here in Baltimore that was put on by Perform Better. Some of my very favorite speakers were presenting. Lee Burton, Mike Boyle, Todd Durkin and Alwyn Cosgrove. These guys are leaders in the industry and it's always great to learn something new and just get out and see a mass of other trainers. The one thing that all great presenters seem to have is an acronym.

So, the very next morning, while I was driving to coach swim practice, I thought, "I want an acronym...!" I started rifling through words and in within a few the word skills came to me. What could I do with this group of letters....? Hmmm, well the coffee must have kicked in at that moment and I came up with the following.


S- for swimming, that is what I was going to coach but since I work with athletes from different sports, "S" can stand for sports.
K- Nobody was able to guess this. Kid. Be a kid, we all need to be a kid again. Maybe a part of me never stopped being a kid. Kids usually just jump into things like trying a new athletic move, exercise or sport technique without hesitation. Luckily they have not yet become self-conscious and do not bother worrying about how they look even if they don't do it right the first few times. This is a beautiful thing.
I- Intensity! We need to have a fun intensity about what we do and we need an intensity component in our training!
L- Love, hopefully we love what we do, simple as that. I tell all my athletes that I don't care if they are the worst in the world at their chosen sport or activity. If they love to do it, that is as good a reason to continue as any. In fact, I'd rather see someone do a sport that the suck at if they love it rather than listen to people say they just do it because they are good at it....
L- Laugh, in my opinion we need to laugh freely. Most importantly, we need to be able to laugh at ourselves. It is a sign of strength if we can laugh at ourselves. I don't like it when people take themselves too seriously.
S- So long. Find a completion point and say so long to your session. Mission complete, congratulations, be happy with your achievement, time for evaluation when we have completed our training or season. Now it's time to move on and say so long and put our experience in storage bank and build on it for future endeavors.

Hope you enjoy this. It's always great to have SKILLS!

Be good,
Coach Dave